Obviously, we care about safety. Our purpose is to help make people feel secure, appreciated, and respected.
Your safety and security are paramount to our business. Watch these pages for additional, seasonal safety messages. Or bookmark our Risk Management website for more safety information.
On-Site Evaluations - We'll conduct a hands-on analysis of the risks faced by your staff, and survey your property to assess the safety of your physical location.
Loss Analysis - We'll also review your past losses to identify trends in the nature or source of injuries and property damage.
Safety Recommendations - Based on our on-site evaluation and loss analysis, our risk management specialists will present a comprehensive list of suggestions you can implement to make your workplace safer.
eRiskHub – Safeguarding your computer network – and all of the information it contains – before a cyberattack happens is critical to protecting your business. Utica National commercial policyholders have access to the latest cybersecurity tools and information through eRiskHub, the cyber education, prevention and resolution portal offered through HSB, at no additional charge. Click here to login or get started.
Online Resources - We give you the resources and safety tips you need before you need it.
NOTICE: This information is provided solely as an insurance risk management tool. It is provided with the understanding that the member insurance companies of the Utica National Insurance Group are not providing legal advice, risk management advice, or any other professional services or advice. Utica National shall have no liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the use of this information. You are encouraged to consult an attorney or other professional for advice on these issues.