Looking at buying a boat?

Looking to insure your new boat?

Looking for a quote on an existing boat?

Since you're here, the next step is to talk to your local, independent agent, who will give you personalized service on your boat.

A local agent offers professional advice when you need it most.

With Utica National, you can purchase auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, homeowners insurance, commercial insurance, and more.

Contact your local independent agent today to learn more about the advantages of insuring with Utica National.

For complete information consult your professional insurance agent or broker. Coverage and discount availability may vary by state.

Customer Care center

Our mission is to help our policyholders feel secure, appreciated, and respected, especially when buying a boat.

Our digital Customer Care center offers a tailored experience with increased functionality for registered policyholders. 

We care deeply about our policyholders, which is why we strive to continually evolve the digital experience. 


This is a summary of coverage and services. The precise coverage is subject to the actual terms and conditions of the insurance policy. Not all coverages are available in all states.